
Anticoagulation risks in older adult, long-term care patients are known to be high, especially in those with frequent transitions between care environments. Introduction of collaborative practice agreements (CPA) in specific settings is encouraged in the United States and has provided an additional option for the care of medically challenging patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the time in therapeutic range (TTR) in a Medicare Part A sponsored long-term care environment managed by pharmacists through a collaborative practice agreement in South-Central Appalachia. A retrospective review of all warfarin patient admissions from a large long-term care pharmacy's anticoagulant clinic was conducted for residents over an 18-month period. For all patients (n = 104), the overall TTR was 46.7% (INR 43% in range). Average management duration was 19.5days per patient. Further studies are required to optimize CPA and transition strategies for complex, advanced age warfarin patients.

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