
This study gathers the first data concerning the arthropod assemblages associated with Erica arborea L. and E. scoparia L. It demonstrates that it is necessary to sample at least ten Erica scoparia L. to give a representative image of its arthropod assemblage. This study reveals that neither plant size nor architecture nor floristic environment can explain the different patterns of colonisation of both species of Erica by the arthropod assemblages. If our attention is focused on the three main species collected on both species of Erica, it appears that the nearly exclusive presence of Sitona lineatus L. on E. arborea L. might be correlated with highly different concentrations in tannins between the two species of Erica. In contrast, the different patterns of colonisation and the number of individuals of Colaspidea oblonga Blanchard collected on both species of Erica might be linked to the life-history of this Chrysomelideae. Finally, the presence of Psallus crotchi Scott to the same extent on both Erica species can be connected to the destruction of its natural host-plant and to the similar concentrations of nitrogen, a limiting factor for sap-sucker’s colonisation, in both Erica species.

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