
Hydatid disease of the male breast has not been documented in literature to date. We present a case of a 46-year old male patient who presented with a painful breast lump for 1 year. On imaging, it was suspicious for hydatid disease of the breast and was successfully diagnosed preoperatively on fine-needle aspiration cytology and histopathology as hydatid disease of the breast. Incidence of hydatid disease of the breast contributes to a minute number of total cases of hydatid disease. Male breast hydatid disease was unknown prior to this report. We did find similarities in the imaging features of our case and the ones described for female breasts. On ultrasonography, we found it analogous to the 'water-lily' sign which has been described in hepatic hydatic cysts. Keeping hydatid disease as a differential in the setting of a suspicious breast mass even in a male patient proved to be rewarding as it negated the need for further cross-sectional imaging and a definitive diagnosis could be sought based on the fine-needle aspiration cytology and histopathological findings.

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