
This paper, as best as the authors can determine, is the first to describe a documented case of systemic infection caused by Cryptococcus albidus in a cat. The patient had a history of paralysis of the hind legs and had been treated with prednisone for 1 month. Microscopic examination of a fine needle biopsy specimen from a right popliteal lymph node showed granulomatous inflammation with many encapsulated yeast cells. Moreover, microscopic examination of Indian ink preparations of the cerebrospinal fluid revealed encapsulated ovoid yeast cells. Thus this case was diagnosed to be cryptococcosis. However, the cat died after treatment for three days with voriconazole. Isolates recovered from samples of the cerebrospinal fluid, liver and spleen were identified as C. albidus by molecular analysis, as well as through morphologic and biochemical studies. Therefore, this case indicates that C. albidus should be considered as a potential feline pathogen.

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