
Free AccessNews and AnnouncementsFirst AnnouncementFirst Open Science Meeting on Industrial Transformation as part of the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) on Global Environmental Change, February 25-26, 1999, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsPublished Online:July 22, 2015https://doi.org/10.1027/1016-9040.3.3.238cPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditE-Mail SectionsMoreThe IT project is aimed at designing a new research framework for understanding societal mechanisms and human driving forces that could facilitate a transformation of the industrial system towards more sustainability. An extensive and interdisciplinary network of researchers developed during 1996-1997 by the IHDP research project on Industrial Transformation led to the establishment of a Scientific Planning Committee in October 1997 to prepare the Industrial Transformation Science Plan. Eight regional workshops will be held in 1998 to assist in the preparation of the Science Plan and to identify potential global and regional priority research questions and projects.About the Meeting The Open Science Meeting on Industrial Transformation will discuss the Draft Science Plan and a number of potential IT research projects. The meeting will bring together a wide spectrum of researchers such as economists, political scientists, econo-metricians, sociologists, and psychologists involved in research on production and consumption systems, including the industrial ecology community, marketing communities, as well as key actors from the private sector (strategic environmental management, product development), research funding agencies and the policy community.The main goals of the meeting are: To provide feedback from the research community, research funding agencies, the private sector, and the policy community on the proposed framework for research on Industrial Transformation;To discuss research proposals that will be presented at the meeting. The results of the meeting will be presented to the IHDP Scientific Committee in the form of a Science Plan, and as proposals for regional and global research projects.Plenary and parallel sessions are planned on the following topics: Effectiveness of policy instruments to manage carbon dioxide (in particular those instruments that require international cooperation), including a better understanding of international flows of carbon and energy;The potential role of decentralized renewable energy systems in industrial activities in rural areas of developing countries;Industrialization and industrial siting in rapidly developing countries—exploring the technological, organizational and governance potential for the development of highly eco-efficient industrial areas;Transformation of transport systems in urban areas in view of urban air pollution, climate change, and congestion;Trade and environment, in particular exploring and increasing the understanding of the technical, economic, and societal implications of extended producers responsibility in an international setting;Analysis of the effects of Structural Economic Change (from industrial to information society) on the use of environmental resources (raw materials and environmental pressures on air, water, and soils);The role of changing consumption patterns as driving forces or constraints on industrial transformation.How to ParticipateThe IHDP-IT Scientific Planning Committee invites the submission of research proposals based on the topics as outlined above and/or additional proposals fitting the general framework of Industrial Transformation. Further criteria for proposals and the IT Research Framework may be viewed on the web site at www.vu.nl/ivm/hdp/hdp.htm.For further information on the meeting please contact: Pier Vellinga at IVM, Chair of SPC-IT (tel. +31 20 444-9515, fax +31 20 444-9553, e-mail: pier.vellinga@ivm.vu.nl, website: www.vu.nl/ivm/hdp/hdp.htm)Peter Mulder at IVM (tel. +31 20 444-9503, fax +31 20 444-9553, e-mail: peter.mulder@ivm.vu.nl, website: www.vu.nl/ivm/hdp/hdp.htm).The Industrial Transformation Scientific Planning CommitteePier Vellinga, Chair of SPC-IT, Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)David Angel, Clark University (USA)Theo J.N.M. de Bruijn, Technical University Twente (The Netherlands)Cutler J. Cleveland, Boston University (USA)Jacqueline Cramer, University of Tilburg (The Netherlands)Sukehiro Gotoh, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)Rajendra K. Pachauri, Tata Energy Research Institute (India)Gerhard Scherhorn, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Germany)Robert Socolow, Princeton University (USA)Charles Vlek, Groningen University (The Netherlands)Thomas Zylicz, Warsaw Ecological Economics Centre (Poland)FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Volume 3Issue 3September 1998ISSN: 1016-9040eISSN: 1878-531X InformationEuropean Psychologist (1998), 3, pp. 238-239 https://doi.org/10.1027/1016-9040.3.3.238c.© 1998Hogrefe & Huber Publishers

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