
Fire is adisaster that comes from the unwanted flame that can cause losses. Surabaya hospital is a teaching hospital and a government referral hospital that provides various medical services such as x-rays, hemodialysis, laboratory, etc. All of those services also have a risk of fire. This research aims to analyze the hospital’s policy and its compliance on fulfilling the standard regarding the prevention and the countermeasures of fire in Surabaya Hospital by using Fishbone Analysis method. This research is descriptive with cross-sectional design conducted in February 2017. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling technique which is two persons as informants, those are the Head Division of General Matter and the Head of Maintenance Facility Installation at Surabaya Hospital. The population is all room with the risk of fire in Surabaya Hospital. The data collection technique is using the questionnaire in interviews and the observation checklist sheet. The research result shows that Surabaya Hospital has already had all policy regarding the prevention and the countermeasure of fire accident (100%) and as a whole for the percentage of the suitability of compliance regarding its fire protection system is in a good category (41,4% + 48,3% = 89,7%). But from the total fulfillment, there are around 48.3% which still not up to the regulation standard. This condition will have a big impact on the effectiveness of the fire protection system it self, just in case, the fire accident happens in Surabaya Hospital. Base on that result, Surabaya Hospital need to form cooperations with the experts of Occupational Health and Safety matter on fulfilling the fire protection system so it in accordance with the regulatory standard in Indonesia.

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