
The International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) provides a scientific-organizational framework for interdisciplinary research programs devoted to explore the fundamental relationships between ecosystems (terrestrial and marine), atmosphere and climate. Within the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project, one of several IGBP “Core Projects”, one of the activities of its “Focus 2: Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Perturbations of the Tropical Atmospheric Chemistry” is devoted to investigate the impact of biomass burning on the atmosphere and biosphere (“Biomass Burnig Experiment” [BIBEX]). The goals of the BIBEX research activities are summarized as follows (IGAC 1992; Goldammer 1994; Goldammer and Furyaev 1995): To characterize the production of chemically and radiatively important gases and aerosols species from biomass burning to the global atmosphere. To assess the consequences of biomass burning on regional and global atmospheric chemistry and climate. To determine the short- and long-term effects of fire on post-fire exchanges of trace gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. To understand the biogeochemical consequences of atmospheric deposition of products of biomass burning.

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