
Abstract Traditional fire protection design applied in the second generation nuclear power plant,was based on determinism and reinforced by Fire Probability Safety Analysis,in which Problems such as difficult selection of fire protection-related technical solutions, low efficiency of fire protection layout, and large rework workload for later technical solutions update.For highly compact SMRs with tight design schedule, it’s impossible to acceptable such shortcomings. According to the requirements of SMRs fire protection design,this paper based on NUREG/CR-6850 fire probability safety analysis methodology, combined the design depth (the concept design phase)of SMRs, develop the SMRs fire PSA model, calculated quantitatively Contribution of core damage frequency (CDF) of fire PSA model.At the same time, based on the results of internal fire PSA analysis, the design weakness is found, and the design/improvement proposal based on fire PSA analysis is given.

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