
Overstorey shrub species are known to influence the composition of theunderstorey in Southern Hemisphere heathlands. Overstorey densities aresusceptible to variations in fire frequency; thus, fire regimes may influenceoverstorey/understorey interactions and overall floristic composition. Wecompared patches of Banksia heath which had supported anoverstorey during a fire interval of about 30 y with patches wherethe overstorey was absent during the same period, and tested for differences inspecies composition as a function of overstorey presence. Floristic compositionvaried significantly between overstorey patches and open patches. Most specieswere less abundant in overstorey patches, however some were more abundant. Therelative abundance of species in relation to overstorey was unrelated to theirfire response, propagule longevity or propagule storage location. There wassignificantly less biomass in overstorey patches compared with open patches.Theeffect of the overstorey varied with soil moisture. In a dry area, the numberof species was lower in overstorey patches, with fewer herb and shrub speciespresent compared with open patches. Fewer species were recorded in a wetterarea, but overstorey had no effect on the number of species recorded. Reducedintensity of competition among understorey species in overstorey patches couldbe responsible for the higher abundance of some species in these patches. Wepostulate that full diversity will be maintained when the density of overstoreyshrubs fluctuates widely over a relatively short period of time. This is mostlikely when fire frequency is highly variable.

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