
The observations, lasting above one year, have concerned particular plant species and plant communities on two selected savanna plots burned earlier, situated near Lusaka, and additionally some other localities. After the opening remarks, some information about fire’s influence on vegetation is given, with a quotation of papers connected with the area of investigations, as well as the author’s and Jan Kornaś’s publications. Those texts are followed by a short description of the geographical conditions in the region taken into account, of the studied plots, and information about the methods of investigations. Subsequently, there is a list of noticed species, with short descriptions and some pictures. Phytosociological data are presented in tables. The following chapters contain the joint characteristic of the studied vegetation: data about its floristic composition, phenology, and morphology of species. The Raunkiaer’s plant classification is considered here; afterward data on the water content in some roots and rhizomes are presented. The next chapter contains the description of common features of vegetation on the studied plots. Thereafter may be found information about the pyrophytic plant species noticed elsewhere in Zambia. In the discussion publications supplementing the author’s study are mentioned. Further, more detailed descriptions of the features of fire, its occurrence in nature, distribution, and structure of savannas are included. Plant regeneration on the burned plots, the usefulness of Raunkiaer’s classification in the tropics, and problems of evolution of pyrophytes are presented. There is also some evidence of phytosociological studies in Africa and proposals for the establishment of a new association Hyparrhenio-Gardenietum. In the end, some conceptions concerning the rational use of fire, particularly in nature conservation, are mentioned, as well as arguments for the protection of pyrophytic species.

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