
“Calcium hypochlorite, 70% available chlorine” is a commercial chemical which is transported in large quantities generally packed in steel drums. It is classified by the I.M.C.O. Code as an Oxidising Agent. During the past five years there have been about a dozen serious accidents in ships involving this material. The losses caused have been very large, amounting to many millions of pounds sterling. A number of the P. and I. Clubs in London set up a sub-committee to investigate the hazards associated with the substance. The investigations include a research programme carried out at the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment, Woolwich, England. It has been found that ignition may occur in some circumstances spontaneously, by mechanical stressing or by admixture with some combustible substances. The commercial material is not a definite chemical compound but a mixture, the nature and properties of which may vary according to the nature of the raw materials and method of manufacture. Accidental ignition may be followed by explosive effects and the fire evolves large quantities of oxygen, which produce an almost uncontrollable burning of any combustible material nearby. It is apparent that the hazards are far more serious than those ordinarily associated with other oxidising agents.

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