
Effects of fire and site type on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) balances were determined by following the change of total and component C and N pools along four chronosequences of fire-prone Siberian Scots pine ecosystems. These differed in the mean return interval of surface fires (unburned – moderately burned, 40 years – heavily burned, 25 years) and site quality (lichen versus Vaccinium site type). Of the Vaccinium site type (higher site quality) only a moderately burned chronosequence was studied. A total of 22 even-aged stands were investigated with stand ages ranging from 2 to 383 years. The C balance was dominated by the opposing dynamics of coarse woody debris (CWD) and biomass and could be divided into three phases: (1) Young stands (up to 40 years)acted as a net source for C of 6-10 mol C m-2 year-1 because the previous generation CWD pool originating from stand-replacing crown fires decayed much faster than biomass increased. During this period the C pool in the unburned lichen type chronosequence decreased from 807 to 480 mol C m-2. (2) Middle aged stands (40-100 years) being in a stage of maximum biomass accumulation were a net sink of 8-10 mol C m-2 year-1. (3)Maturestands (100 to > 350 years) continued to sequester C at a lower rate (0.8-2.5mol C m-2 year-1). Differences in the rates of C sequestration during the two later phases could be explained by the complex interaction between surface fire regime and site type. Recurrent surface fires resulted in enhanced mortality and regularly redistributed C from the living to the CWD pool thereby lowering the rate of C sequestration. Site quality determined the potential to recover from disturbance by fire events. Differences in site type did not correlate with soil and total ecosystem N pool size. However, the N status of needles as well as the N pool of physiologically active tissue was highest in the stands of the Vaccinium type. The “woody” C pool (biomass + CWD) was sensitive to differences in surface fire regime and site type. It was lowest in the heavily burned lichen type chronosequence (297 ± 108 mol C m-2), intermediate in the unburned and moderately burned lichen type chronosequence (571 ± 179 mol C m-2) and highest in the moderately burned Vaccinium type chronosequence (810 ± 334 mol C m-2). In contrast, the total soil C pool (organic plus mineral layer down to a depth of 25 cm) was independent of stand age, surface fire regimeand site type and fluctuated around a value of 250 mol C m-2. The organic layer C pool oscillated in response to recurring surface fires and its C pool was dependent on time since fire increasing at a rate of about 1.5 mol C m-2 year-during the first 40 years and then reaching a plateau of 170 mol C m-2. The total ecosystem N pool was 7.4 ± 1.5 mol N m-2 on average of which only 25 % were stored in biomass or coarse woody debris. Total ecosystem N was independent of stand age, surface fire regime and site type. No correlation was found between total ecosystem C and N pools. Average total ecosystem C:N ratio was 114 ± 35 mol C mol N-1. A conceptual model illustrating how changes in the regime of stand-replacing crown fires and recurrent surface fires and changes in site quality interact in determining the long-term C balance in Siberian Scots pine forests is presented.

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