
Spectroscopic, cold, space-based mid-to-far-infrared (FIR) missions, such as the Origins Space Telescope, will require large (tens of kilopixels), ultra-sensitive FIR detector arrays with sufficient dynamic range and high-density multiplexing schemes for the readout, in order to optimize the scientific return while staying within a realistic cost range. Issues like power consumption of multiplexers and their readout are significantly more important for space missions than they are for ground-based or suborbital applications. In terms of the detectors and their configuration into large arrays, significant development efforts are needed even for both of the most mature candidate superconducting detector technologies, namely transition edge sensors and (microwave) kinetic inductance detectors. Here we explore both practical and fundamental limits for those technologies in order to lay out a realistic path forward for both technologies. We conclude that beyond the need to enhance the detector sensitivities and pixel numbers by about an order of magnitude over currently existing devices, improved concepts for larger dynamic range and multiplexing density will be needed in order to optimize the scientific return of future cold FIR space missions. Background-limited, very high spectral resolution instruments will require photon-counting detectors.

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