
Yang-Mills theory is studied at finite temperature within the Hamiltonian approach in Coulomb gauge by means of the variational principle using a Gaussian type ansatz for the vacuum wave functional. Temperature is introduced by compactifying one spatial dimension. As a consequence the finite temperature behavior is encoded in the vacuum wave functional calculated on the spatial manifold $\mathbb{R}^2 \times \mathrm {S}^1 (L)$ where $L^{-1}$ is the temperature. The finite-temperature equations of motion are obtained by minimizing the vacuum energy density to two-loop order. We show analytically that these equations yield the correct zero-temperature limit while at infinite temperature they reduce to the equations of the $2$+$1$-dimensional theory in accordance with dimensional reduction. The resulting propagators are compared to those obtained from the grand canonical ensemble where an additional ansatz for the density matrix is required.

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