
We study the large distance expansion of correlation functions in the free massiveMajorana theory at finite temperature, alias the Ising field theory at zero magnetic field ona cylinder. We develop a method that mimics the spectral decomposition, or form factorexpansion, of zero-temperature correlation functions, introducing the concept of‘finite-temperature form factors’. Our techniques are different from those of previousattempts in this subject. We show that an appropriate analytical continuation offinite-temperature form factors gives form factors in the quantization scheme on the circle.We show that finite-temperature form factor expansions are able to reproduceexpansions in form factors on the circle. We calculate finite-temperature form factors ofnon-interacting fields (fields that are local with respect to the fundamental fermion field).We observe that they are given by a mixing of their zero-temperature form factors and ofthose of other fields of lower scaling dimension. We then calculate finite-temperature formfactors of order and disorder fields. For this purpose, we derive the Riemann–Hilbertproblem that completely specifies the set of finite-temperature form factors of general twistfields (order and disorder fields and their descendants). This Riemann–Hilbertproblem is different from the zero-temperature one, and so are its solutions. Ourresults agree with the known form factors on the circle of order and disorder fields.

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