
We develop the finite-size scaling (FSS) theory at quantum transitions, considering generic boundary conditions, such as open and periodic boundary conditions, and also the corrections to the leading FSS behaviors. Using renormalization-group (RG) theory, we generalize Wegner's scaling Ansatz to the quantum case, classifying the different sources of scaling corrections. We identify nonanalytic corrections due to irrelevant (bulk and boundary) RG perturbations and analytic contributions due to regular backgrounds and analytic expansions of the nonlinear scaling fields. To check the general predictions, we consider the quantum XY chain in a transverse field. For this model exact or numerically accurate results can be obtained by exploiting its fermionic quadratic representation. We study the FSS of several observables, such as the free energy, the energy differences between low-energy levels, correlation functions of the order parameter, etc., confirming the general predictions in all cases. Moreover, we consider bipartite entanglement entropies, which are characterized by the presence of additional scaling corrections, as predicted by conformal field theory.

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