
AbstractWe consider the class of graph-directed constructions which are connected and have the property of finite ramification. By assuming the existence of a fixed point for a certain renormalization map, it is possible to construct a Laplace operator on fractals in this class via their Dirichlet forms. Our main aim is to consider the eigenvalues of the Laplace operator and provide a formula for the spectral dimension, the exponent determining the power-law scaling in the eigenvalue counting function, and establish generic constancy for the counting-function asymptotics. In order to do this we prove an extension of the multidimensional renewal theorem. As a result we show that it is possible for the eigenvalue counting function for fractals to require a logarithmic correction to the usual power-law growth.AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 35P20; 58J50. Secondary 28A80; 60K05; 31C25

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