
generated. (Geometry R represents a combustor where a strong fuel flow or fuel/air flow is introduced into the combustor along the centerline. The inlet mass flow percent through the tube is 25 and because of the small tube diameter, the tube inlet velocity is large in relation to the annular inlet velocity.) In such instances, flow from the annular region passes the outer recirculation zone and flows into the inner recirculation zone (Fig. 3g). Geometry R, with the extreme nonideal inlet conditions, indicates that significant alteration to the fundamental flowfield can result from shifting inlet velocities far from ideal inlet conditions; nevertheless, the characteristic length (D — d) still appears to represent the circulation zone length. Changes in the flowfield structure with respect to total inlet mass flow rate (fractional flow split between tube and annular flow remaining constant), temperature and pressure were examined by altering the values of these constants and generating velocity values for geometry A shrouded using CORA2. As expected, the flowfield structure remained virtually unchanged for variations of inlet mass flow rate (0.3<m<1.5 kg/s), temperature (287<T<800 K) and pressure (404-808 kPa) verify little or no variation in air properties within this range. Many of the observations about the invariant behavior of the flowfield structure, found numerically, have been confirmed experimentally by the authors.

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