
The double layer forces between spherical colloidal particles, according to the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation, have been accurately calculated in the literature. The classical PB equation takes into account only the electrostatic interactions, which play a significant role in colloid science. However, there are at, and above, biological salt concentrations other non-electrostatic ion specific forces acting that are ignored in such modelling. In this paper, the electrostatic potential profile and the concentration profile of co-ions and counterions near charged surfaces are calculated. These results are obtained by solving the classical PB equation and a modified PB equation in bispherical coordinates, taking into account the van der Waals dispersion interactions between the ions and both surfaces. Once the electrostatic potential is known we calculate the double layer force between two charged spheres. This is the first paper that solves the modified PB equation in bispherical coordinates. It is also the first time that the finite volume method is used to solve the PB equation in bispherical coordinates. This method divides the calculation domain into a certain number of sub-domains, where the physical law of conservation is valid, and can be readily implemented. The finite volume method is implemented for several geometries and when it is applied to solve PB equations presents low computational cost. The proposed method was validated by comparing the numerical results for the classical PB calculations with previous results reported in the literature. New numerical results using the modified PB equation successfully predicted the ion specificity commonly observed experimentally.

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