
We have developed a numerical procedure to clarify the critical behavior near a quantum phase transition by analyzing a multipoint correlation function characterizing the ground state. This work presents a successful application of this procedure to the string order parameter of the $S=1$ $XXZ$ chain with uniaxial single-ion anisotropy. The finite-size string correlation function is estimated by the density-matrix renormalization-group method. We focus on the gradient of the inverse-system-size dependence of the correlation function on a logarithmic plot. This quantity shows that the finite-size scaling sensitively changes at the critical point. The behavior of the gradient with increasing system size is divergent, is stable at a finite value, or rapidly decreases to zero when the system is in the disordered phase, at the critical point, or in the ordered phase, respectively. The analysis of the finite-size string correlation functions allows precise determination of the boundary of the Haldane phase and estimation of the critical exponent of the correlation length. Our estimates of the transition point and the critical exponents, which are determined only by the ground-state quantities, are consistent with results obtained from the analysis of the energy-level structure. Our analysis requires only the correlation functions of several finite sizes under the same condition as a candidate for the long-range order. The quantity is treated in the same manner irrespective of the kind of elements which destroy the order concerned. This work will assist in the development of a method for directly observing quantum phase transitions.

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