
In Figure 1 B of this Communication, the tile labels in the annealing structure scheme appeared incorrectly. The correct numbering is shown below (Figure 1).1 DNA tile and NA structures and assembly schemes. A) Schematic drawings of the strand trace in cross tiles with strand names marked (arm, shell, and loop). B) MSS strategy and constructs. A converging-stream diagram of the four-step assembly process starting with eight tubes of two tiles each (i) and concluding with one tube containing all 16 tiles (iv). The blue and red diagram shows the placement of tiles (1 through 16) in the NA and the identity of loop strands (A-loops are blue and B-loops are red). The bottom six panels are AFM height images with dimensions as labeled and height scale from 0 to 3 nm. Panels i)–iv) correspond to the same labels as in the annealing scheme above; thus, i) 1×2 NA, ii) 2×2 NA, iii) 2×4 NA, and iv) 4×4 NA. The two bottom AFM images are zoom-out and zoom-in pictures of (iv), with error-free NAs in the zoom-out image circled in turquoise. C) MD strategy and constructs. A converging-stream diagram of the two-step assembly starts with 16 tubes with one tile each (i) and goes directly to one tube of 16 tiles (ii). The blue and red diagram shows the placement of A-loop and B-loop tiles in the final NA. The bottom four panels are AFM height images with i) showing single tiles and ii) showing complete 4×4 NAs. The two bottom panels are zoom-out images to show the increased production yield of defect-free assemblies from the two-step method.

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