
Among finite dimensional algebras over a field K, the class of gentle algebras is known to be closed by derived equivalences. Although a classification up to derived equivalences is usually a difficult problem, Avella-Alaminos and Geiss have introduced derived invariants for gentle algebras A, which can be calculated combinatorially from their bound quivers, applicable to such classification. Ladkani has given a formula to describe the dimensions of the Hochschild cohomologies of A in terms of some values of its Avella-Alaminos–Geiss invariants. This in turn implies a cohomological meaning of these values. Since most of the other values do not appear in this formula, it will be a natural question to ask if there is a similar cohomological meaning for such values. In this article, we construct a sequence of gentle algebras indexed by positive integers by a procedure which we call finite gentle repetitions, in order to relate these values of Avella-Alaminos–Geiss invariants of A to the dimensions of Hochschild cohomologies of On the way we will see that the Avella-Alaminos–Geiss invariants of are completely determined by those of A. Therefore one may expect that the finite gentle repetitions would preserve derived equivalences in a nice situation. In the last part of this article, we will see how the generalized Auslander–Platzeck–Reiten reflection can be related to the finite gentle repetition.

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