
We prove that the Drinfeld double of an arbitrary finite group scheme has finitely generated cohomology. That is to say, for G any finite group scheme, and D(G) the Drinfeld double of the group ring kG, we show that the self-extension algebra of the trivial representation for D(G) is a finitely generated algebra, and that for each D(G)-representation V the extensions from the trivial representation to V form a finitely generated module over the aforementioned algebra. As a corollary, we find that all categories \({{\,\mathrm{rep}\,}}(G)^*_\mathscr {M}\) dual to \({{\,\mathrm{rep}\,}}(G)\) are also of finite type (i.e. have finitely generated cohomology), and we provide a uniform bound on their Krull dimensions. This paper completes earlier work of Friedlander and the author.

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