
To explore biomechanical characteristics of minimally invasive different screw fixations in treating Sanders typeⅡcalcaneal fractures. Dicom data of calcaneus by CT scan were input into Mimics 21.0 software and Ansys15.0 software to construct three-dimensional finite element digital model of calcaneus;this model was input into UG NX 10.0 software, and calcaneus was cut according to Sanders classification to establish Sanders typeⅡ calcaneus model with posterior articular surface collapse;then simulated minimally invasive screw internal fixation after calcaneal fracture:a screw from posterior articular surface was used to outside-in fix sustentaculum tali, other 4 screws were used to fix calcaneus by different methods through calcaneal tuberosity, and 4 different calcaneal models were obtained. Under the same conditions, 4 types of internal fixation models were loaded respectively, and nonlinear finite element analysis was performed to calculate the stress distribution of different internal fixation models. Under the same condition of loading, the model 3 had smaller displacement value, maximum calcaneus displacement value and maximum equivalent stress value of the screw than other three internal fixation models, and the stress was more dispersed. In minimally invasive screw internal fixation of calcaneus fracture, after 1 sustentaculum tali screw fixation, 2 screws crossed fix posterior articular surface from calcaneal tuberosity, 2 screws fix parallelly calcaneocuboid joint from calcaneal tuberosity are more suitable for biomechanical requirements, and could provide basic theory for clinical treatment.

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