
Discretization of the Primitive Variable Formulation: A Primitive Variable Formulation. The Finite Element Problem and the Div-St abi lity Condition. Finite Element Spaces. Alternate Weak Forms, Boundary Conditions and Numerical Integration. Penalty Methods. Solution of the Discrete Equations: Newton's Method and Other Iterative Methods. Solving the Linear Systems. Solution Methods for Large Reynolds Numbers. Time Dependent Problems: A Weak Formulation and Spatial Discretizations. Time Discretizations. The Streamfunction-Vorticity Formulation: Algorithms for the Streamfunction-Vorticity Equations. Solution Techniques for Multiply Connected Domains. The Streamfunction Formulation: Algorithms for Determining Streamfunction Approximations. Eigenvalue Problems Connected with Stability Studies for Viscous Flows: Energy Stability Analysis of Viscous Flows. Linearized Stability Analysis of Stationary Viscous Flows. Exterior Problems: Truncated Domain-Artificial Boundary Condition Methods. Nonlinear Constitutive Relations: A Ladyzhenskaya Model and Algebraic Turbulence Models. Bingham Fluids. Electromagnetically or Thermally Coupled Flows: Flows of Liquid Metals. The Boussinesq Equations. Remarks on Some Topics That Have Not Been Considered: Problems, Formulations, Algorithms, and Other Issues That Have Not Been Considered. Bibliography. Glossary of Symbols. Index.

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