
The demand for lightweight and high-performance structures has driven the popularity of commercially available aluminum alloys such as AL6061, particularly in the transporterindustry. However, predicting stress distribution accurately within AL6061 frame structures under diverse loading conditions remains a significant challenge for clients due to the complex nature of their behavior. To address this challenge, a study has been conducted that utilizes the advanced 3D simulation software SolidWorks 2023 to model a custom dimension frame structure and evaluate their behavior under varied loads of up to 200% of the structure's weight, which is a significant departure from the standard loading conditions. The goal is to offer a thorough and accurate assessment of the frame structure's capabilities. This investigation analyzed the stress, strain, displacement, and safety factors of a specifically designed frame structure, ensuring that each value met or exceeded acceptable standards. This study also provides valuable insights into the structure's performance under various loading conditions, including the handling of heavy items and specimens that require the use of a transporter in industrial engineering applications. Additionally, a detailed assessment of the material properties of the aluminum alloy used in constructing the frame structure provides useful information for designing and optimizing high-performing structures in the industry. Based on the results, it appears that the critical von Mises stress, when exposed to maximum varying loads (76.54 MPa), remains below the structure's yield strength of 275 MPa. The equivalent strain reaches a maximum value of 0.5607E-03, and the structure's deformation at maximum loads is just 0.6705 mm. The safety factors of the structure, tested at three different varying loads, are above 3. These values conclusively demonstrate that the AL6061 frame structure is safe and reliable for industrial applications and can withstand loads up to 200% wt.

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