
Let V be a finite dimensional complex vector space and W ⊆ GL(V ) be a finite complex reflection group. Let V reg be the complement in V of the reflecting hyperplanes. We prove that V reg is a K(π, 1) space. This was predicted by a classical conjecture, originally stated by Brieskorn for complexified real reflection groups. The complexified real case follows from a theorem of Deligne and, after contributions by Nakamura and OrlikSolomon, only six exceptional cases remained open. In addition to solving these six cases, our approach is applicable to most previously known cases, including complexified real groups for which we obtain a new proof, based on new geometric objects. We also address a number of questions about π1(W\V ), the braid group of W . This includes a description of periodic elements in terms of a braid analog of Springer’s theory of regular elements.

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