
The "Fingerprint-Based Driving License Detector" is an innovative system designed to enhance the security and authenticity of driving licenses through the integration of biometric technology. This system leverages fingerprint recognition as a robust method to verify the identity of drivers, aiming to reduce instances of license fraud and unauthorized use. The proposed system consists of a comprehensive framework that involves capturing and storing the fingerprint data of individuals during the driving license issuance process. This biometric data is then securely linked to the respective driving license records in a centralized database. During routine traffic stops or license verification processes, law enforcement authorities can use fingerprint scanners to quickly and accurately verify the identity of the license holder. The implementation of this system offers several advantages, including heightened security, reduced instances of identity theft, and a more streamlined and efficient license verification process. Additionally, the integration of fingerprint-based authentication enhances the overall trustworthiness of the driving license system, fostering a safer and more reliable environment on the roads. Keywords: Fingerprint Recognition, Driving License Authentication, Biometric Technology, Identity Verification.

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