
Purpose: Arabinogalactan is the main active ingredient of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, possessing various bioactivities. However, the physicochemical properties of arabinogalactans differ between fruit varieties, provenance, and harvest seasons. The study aimed at distinguishing these differences between the main active ingredient (arabinogalactans) of fruit varieties, provenance, and harvest seasons. Methods: We obtained 27 batches L. barbarum fruit arabinogalactans using hot water extraction, fractional precipitation, and their monosaccharide composition and molecular weight fingerprints were established. The similarity between multiple fingerprinting profiles was evaluated using chemometrics. Results: These results showed that the summer fruits (NQ1 and MQ1) from Xianfeng (Inner Mongolia), varieties NQ1 and NQ9 from Jingyuan (Gansu), varieties NQ7 and NQ9 from Zhongning (Ningxia), variety NQ1 from Nanliang farm, Yinchuan (Ningxia) and Guazhou (Gansu), as well as autumn fruits (NQ1, NQ7, and Xiao JianJiao) from Jinghe (Xinjiang) were similar to the summer fruits of variety NQ1 (Zhongning, Ningxia). The quality of L. barbarum fruit was related to locations and varieties. Conclusion: The preparation of the main active ingredient was the key for quality control analysis of L. barbarum fruit. This study provides a theoretical basis for the quality control of L. barbarum polysaccharides, and for the development and utilization of L. barbarum fruit.

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