
In recent years, biometric authentication systems have remained a hot research topic, as they can recognize or authenticate a person by comparing their data to other biometric data stored in a database. Fingerprints, palm prints, hand vein, finger vein, palm vein, and other anatomic or behavioral features have all been used to develop a variety of biometric approaches. Finger vein recognition (FVR) is a common method of examining the patterns of the finger veins for proper authentication among the various biometrics. Finger vein acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, and authentication are all part of the proposed intelligent deep learning-based FVR (IDL-FVR) model. Infrared imaging devices have primarily captured the use of finger veins. Furthermore, a region of interest extraction process is carried out in order to save the finger part. The shark smell optimization algorithm is used to tune the hyperparameters of the bidirectional long–short-term memory model properly. Finally, an authentication process based on Euclidean distance is performed, which compares the features of the current finger vein image to those in the database. The IDL-FVR model surpassed the earlier methods by accomplishing a maximum accuracy of 99.93%. Authentication is successful when the Euclidean distance is small and vice versa.

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