
Background: Selective logging is a frequent practice in the Tropical Montane Cloud Forest which can impact forest regeneration and the genetic makeup of successive generations of trees. The spatial clustering of genetically related individuals, fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS), can develop from the reduction of gene dispersal and the decrease in the number of reproductive individuals at the local scale due to selective logging.
 Questions: In regeneration sites with a history of selective logging, does FSGS differ from a site without such a history? Is FSGS stronger in seedlings and saplings relative to juveniles and adults? Is genetic diversity similar among life stages and sites?
 Studied species: Magnolia iltisiana an endemic tree.
 Study site and dates: Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve, Jalisco, Mexico.
 Methods: We evaluated genetic diversity, genetic structure, and FSGS across four life stages (seedlings, saplings, juveniles, and adults) by genotyping 211 individuals with seven nuclear microsatellite loci in two regeneration and one conserved site.
 Results: We found statistically significant FSGS in the two regeneration sites only for seedlings and saplings, while no evidence of FSGS was detected in the conserved site. No differences in genetic diversity estimates and structure were found among life stages.
 Conclusions: Our study does not suggest an effect of selective logging on genetic diversity on the contrasted conditions and an FSGS pattern only in the earlier stages of the regeneration sites in M. iltisiana.

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