
Fine theoretical spectroscopy has been presented by the SAC-CI (symmetry adapted cluster-configuration interaction) general-R method for the outer- and inner-valence ionization spectra of CS2 and OCS. The SAC-CI general-R method simulated the experimental spectra quite accurately and the detailed assignments of the satellite peaks were given. For CS2, four outer-valence satellites Πu2 states were calculated, one of which was attributed to the recently observed peak (1′). Numerous Σu+2 and Σg+2 satellite peaks were obtained in the inner-valence region and some of them were dominantly described by triple electron processes; the quadruple R-operators were found to be important for describing these states in the general-R method. For OCS, the relative position of the main peaks was correctly reproduced and the higher R-operators were found to be important for the ordering of A and B states. In the energy region of 24–36 eV, continuous spectra of numerous Σ+2 satellites were obtained, which reproduced the feature of the photoelectron spectrum.

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