
Ultrathin sections of the nasal barbel of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were studied in the electron microscope and the fine structure was compared to that of barbels of other teleosts and to the mandibular (dentary) barbels of I. punctatus. While the overall histology of the nasal barbel is similar to that of barbels described previously, this study revealed far greater cellular complexity and variability than was previously reported. A layer of stratified epidermal cells rests upon a connective tissue dermis containing a cartilage rod, a large number of nerve fibers and numerous blood vessels, fibroblasts and pigment cells. Taste buds are present in the epidermal layer. This layer was found to contain probably 16 kinds of cell types, several of which may represent transitional stages, in addition to taste bud cells. Observations were made pertaining to innervation and cell types in the taste buds. A new terminology for designating the barbels of I. punctatus is suggested.

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