
Thulinius ruffoi is a small freshwater tardigrade that lives in both non-polluted and polluted freshwater environments. As a result of tardigradan body miniaturization, the digestive system is reduced and simplified. It consists of a short fore- and hindgut, and the midgut in the shape of a short tube is lined with a simple epithelium. The midgut epithelium is formed by the digestive cells and two rings of crescent-shaped cells were also detected. The anterior ring is located at the border between the fore- and midgut, while the posterior ring is situated between the mid- and hindgut. The precise ultrastructure of the digestive and crescent-shaped cells was examined using transmission electron microscopy, serial block face scanning electron microscopy and histochemical methods. We analyzed the changes that occurred in the midgut epithelial cells according to oogenesis (the species is parthenogenetic and there were only females in the laboratory culture). We focused on the accumulation of reserve material and the relationship between this and the intensity of autophagy. We concluded that autophagy supplies energy during a natural period of starvation (the simplex stage) and delivers the energy and probably the substances that are required during oogenesis. Apoptosis was not detected in the midgut epithelium of T. ruffoi.

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