
The fine structure of photopic eucone eyes of Cicindela tranquebarica adults was examined using cryofracture SEM, TEM, and freeze-etch techniques. A “subcorneal layer” can be distinguished between the corneal lens and crystalline cone. In surface view (Fig. 1) this layer consists of concave polygons (po). It has parabolic lamellae (lm) of endocuticle consisting of microfibrils (mf) having a chitin core with protein deposits along their lengths (Fig. 2). Two primary pigment cells (lp) are devoid of pigment granules, but are rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) and surround a crystalline thread (ct) (Fig. 3). Extensions of the crystalline thread form inter-retinular fibers (f) containing microtubules between retinula cells 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, and 7/1 (Figs. 4, 5).Distal to each retinula cell nucleus are two basal bodies (bb), one perpendicular to the other (Fig. 4). The proximal body extends two fibrillar feet which fuse to form a horizontally banded ciliary rootlet which extends the retinula length peripheral to the rhabdom.

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