
Nerve endings were observed between collagen fiber bundles in the alveolar compartment of the periodontal ligament. In close relation to these endings, cells were observed with a rounded cell body from which cytoplasmic extensions protruded, each forming part of a sheath around the terminal region of a small nerve fiber. The nuclei of these cells occupied an eccentric position in the cytoplasm and were characterized by a typical kidney shape. In the cell's center a prominent Golgi complex was present. In the peripheral cytoplasm ladder-like structures with a periodicity of 160 nm were occasionally observed. The cell bodies were surrounded by a basal lamina, while the cytoplasmic extensions investing the nerve endings were surrounded by an envelope consisting of alternating electron dense and electron translucent layers containing material that stained with PAS and Alcian Blue. Where these envelopes bordered on the connective tissue, areas of filamentous material with a periodicity of 100-150 nm were occasionally found. The end organs may be considered to form part of a receptor system.

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