
The systematics of the experimental data of alpha-decay fine structure in the even-even nuclei above lead are examined. The representation of relative branching ratios (b.r.) and hindrance factors (HF) for the 2+1, 4+1, and 6+1 states within the valence correlation schemes (as a function of NpNn or P = NpNn/(Np + Nn)) proves useful, as it provides smooth trajectories that can be discussed in parallel with the development of collectivity. It is shown that practically all recent theoretical calculations are not able to account for some of the most conspicuous features presented by the evolution of the branching ratios and hindrance factors. These are: a practically exponential increase of the b.r.'s and HF's for the 2+1 state of collective nuclei (above P 4.0); a pronounced maximum around P 7.5 of the same quantities for the 4+1 state, a region where these nuclei have usually been considered as well deformed rotors; and the decrease of these quantities for the 6+1 state in the interval of P from 4.0 to about 8.0. The observed evolutions of these fine structure quantities do not appear to be correlated with different structure indicators deduced from the low-lying level schemes, with the exception of the HF of the 2+ state which is reasonably well correlated with a parameter that describes the nuclear rigidity, indicating the necessity of going beyond the rigid rotor description of the nuclei considered in this study. It is also necessary that a simultaneous description of both electromagnetic transitions and alpha decay fine structure data is achieved by the theoretical calculations.

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