
By the use of a Frisch-gridded double ionization chamber the energy and mass distribution of U/sup 235/ fission fragments under thermal neutron fission were studied in coincidence with relatively high-energy prompt-fission gamma rays. The data were electronically analyzed and the results printed on paper tape, transferred to IBM cards, and analyzed by an IBM 7074 computer. Runs were taken for fission fragments in coincidence with prompt-fission gamma 's> 2 Mev and gamma 's> 3 Mev and the results were compared with fission fragments corresponding to all gamma rays. Pronounced structural effects were noted in the kineticenergy distribution and in the mass ratio, the magicnumber nucleus N = 82, Z = 50 preferentially emitting higher energy gamma rays. The symmetric fission yield was found to increase the gamma -ray energy, thus offering the possibility that the extra excitation energy of symmetric fission fragments may be carried off in the form of higher energy gamma rays. (auth)

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