
A fine-structure (fs) analysis of the odd-parity Rydberg series of atomiczirconium, including the main low-lying mutually interacting configurations, hasbeen performed for the first time, with the aid of a linked-parameter method oflevel fitting. A set of derived fs parameters, together with ab initio valuescalculated for comparison, and the leading eigenvector percentages ofthe levels were obtained. Many of the levels belonging to the 4d25s5p, 4d5s25p and4d35pconfigurations are found to be incorrectly assigned. To confirm this majorrevision, specific mass shifts deduced from experimental isotope shiftdata available in the literature have been used as fingerprints. Finally, acomplete set of predicted magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfinestructure constants has been calculated for the known odd-parity levels inzirconium.

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