
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-743, Korea(2014년 8월 7일 접수: 2014년 9월 5일 수정: 2014년 9월 16일 게재확정 )Abstract: The demand for fine-pitch devices is increasing due to an increase in I/O pin count, a reduction in powerconsumption, and a miniaturization of chip and package. In addition non-scalability of Cu pillar/Sn cap or Pb-free solderstructure for fine-pitch interconnection leads to the development of bumpless interconnection system. Few bumplessinterconnect systems such as BBUL technology, SAB technology, SAM technology, Cu-toCu thermocompressiontechnology, and WOW's bumpless technology using an adhesive have been reviewed in this paper: The key requirementsfor Cu bumpless technology are the planarization, contamination-free surface, and surface activation. Keywords: Bumpless, Interconnect, Fine-pitch, Cu bonding

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