
Encrypted web traffic can reveal sensitive information of users, such as their browsing behaviors. Existing studies on encrypted traffic analysis focus on website fingerprinting. We claim that fine-grained webpage fingerprinting, which speculates specific webpages on a same website visited by a victim, allows exploiting more user private information, e.g., shopping interests in an online shopping mall. Since webpages from the same website usually have very similar traffic traces that make them indistinguishable, existing solutions may end up with low accuracy. In this paper, we propose FineWP , a novel fine-grained webpage fingerprinting method. We make an observation that the length information of packets in bidirectional client-server interactions can be distinctive features for webpage fingerprinting. The extracted features are then fed into traditional machine learning models to train classifiers, which achieve both high accuracy and low training overhead. We collect two real-world traffic datasets and construct closed- and open-world evaluations to verify the effectiveness of FineWP. The experimental results demonstrate that FineWP is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy, time complexity and stability.

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