
(pp1089-1115) Tomoyuki Morimae and Suguru Tamaki doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC19.13-14-2 Abstracts: Output probability distributions of several sub-universal quantum computing models cannot be classically efficiently sampled unless some unlikely consequences occur in classical complexity theory, such as the collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy. These results, so called quantum supremacy, however, do not rule out possibilities of super-polynomial-time classical simulations. In this paper, we study ``fine-grained" version of quantum supremacy that excludes some exponential-time classical simulations. First, we focus on two sub-universal models, namely, the one-clean-qubit model (or the DQC1 model) and the HC1Q model. Assuming certain conjectures in fine-grained complexity theory, we show that for any a>0 output probability distributions of these models cannot be classically sampled within a constant multiplicative error and in 2^{(1-a)N+o(N)} time, where N is the number of qubits. Next, we consider universal quantum computing. For example, we consider quantum computing over Clifford and T gates, and show that under another fine-grained complexity conjecture, output probability distributions of Clifford-T quantum computing cannot be classically sampled in 2^{o(t)} time within a constant multiplicative error, where t is the number of T gates.

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