
Considering that available data in Li32 block is limited, log phase method and core analysis were used to divide sedimentary facies and sequence, the former is principal, and two short-term cycles, five middle term cycles, and fifteen short-term cycles were divided. Combined seismic interpretation with fault point and fault rod, the instantaneous phase profile explained small fault more clearly and accurately. The sever faults were analyzed, and integrated structure was constructed. Lithofacies in cored wells were observed; the grain-size probability curves mainly are suspension and jumping transport; grain size is mainly for the siltstone and fine sandstone; the color of mud in the second segment of Shahejie formation (ES2) is mainly gray–green, gray to dark gray, these reflect that sediment environment is delta front, which included underwater distributary channel, mouth bar, distal bar, and so on. Well data and structural maps were integrated to build 3D structure model and sedimentary microfacies model of Li32 reservoirs using stochastic simulations with geometry data. The integrated 3D geological model is a valuable tool of reflecting geologic body with great reality and can accurately represent and describe the complex reservoir heterogeneity.

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