
The role of fine arts in the process of developing pupils’ creative activity remains insufficiently studied. This is especially true for the specifics of developing a values-based attitude towards any kind of creative activity in the representatives of such a complex age group as younger adolescents. The paper aims to develop and experimentally verify the methodology for developing creative activity in younger adolescents using fine arts in the educational process of secondary schools based on theoretical justification of the problem of the individual’s creative activity. This methodology was aimed at implementing a holistic set of creativity exercises, partial searching and artistic creativity tasks and a variable model for organizing the actions in the form of “the projection of desire”. The control and experimental groups involved the same number of younger adolescents, namely, 143 respondents, whose indicators of development levels of creative activity did not differ significantly. Different methods were used to identify the level of creative activity: questionnaires, interviews, conversations, pedagogical observations, partial searching, multi-level artistic creativity tasks and creativity exercises. The level of creative activity in younger adolescents in the experimental group has increased: a prospective level - by 9.1% (from 7% to 16.1%), a differentiated level - by 5.6% (from 51.7% to 57.3%). A situational level has decreased by 14.7% (from 41.3% to 26.6%). All the obtained data differ from the tabular ones for the selected high level of statistical significance (0.01<p<0.05), which indicates the effectiveness of the developed methodology for developing creative activity in younger adolescents using fine arts in the educational process of secondary schools.

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