
With this paper we continue an annual series, the main purpose of which is to make significant floristic findings from Russia and neighboring countries more visible in Russia and abroad. In total, this paper presents new records for 60 vascular plant species from 5 Eurasian countries, obtained during field explorations, as well as during taxonomic revisions of herbarium materials. For the first time, Clematis tangutica, Cynoglossum asperrimum, and Potentilla hubsugulica are recorded for Russia, Azolla filiculoides for Uzbekistan and Central Asia, Hackelia popovii for China and Kyrgyzstan, Chamaerhodos erecta for Kyrgyzstan, Astragalus tatjanae, Centaurea tadshicorum, Cynosurus echinatus, Epipactis persica, Eremurus × decoloratus, Euphrasia drosophylla, Fritillaria rugillosa, Paspalum distichum, Plagiobasis centauroides for Uzbekistan, Poa turfosa for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, as well as for the Siberian arctic-hyparctic floristic province and the entire Arctic and Hyparctic Asia, Carduus × semiperegrinus, Reynoutria × bohemica for Siberia, Artemisia obtusiloba subsp. martjanovii for Baikal Siberia, Callitriche cophocarpa for the Republic of Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, Prunella vulgaris for the Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Area, Cynoglossum officinale for the Republic of Buryatia, Carex buxbaumii, Epipactis microphylla for the Republic of Dagestan, Tripleurospermum elongatum for the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Anthyllis vulneraria, Malva moschata, Menispermum dauricum, Persicaria orientalis, Petrosedum rupestre, Rubus occidentalis, R. procerus, Vitis amurensis for the Republic of Mordovia, Oxytropis caespitosa for the Tyva Republic, Myosotis sparsiflora, Pedicularis spicata for the Magadan Region and northern part of the Russian Far East, Astragalus arkalycensis, Bolboschoenus laticarpus, Limonium suffruticosum for the Omsk Region, Arabidopsis arenosa for the Tomsk Region, Asparagus pallasii, Astragalus cicer, Sisymbrium altissimum for the Tyumen Region, Thymus dimorphus for the Volgograd Region, Botrychium boreale for the Vologda Region, Thymus kondratjukii for the Voronezh Region, Rudbeckia triloba, Stachys byzantina for the Rostov Region, Geranium turczaninovii for the Almaty Region of Kazakhstan, Potentilla thuringiaca for the Karaganda Region of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh uplands (Kazakhskiy Melkosopochnik), Egeria densa for the Hunan Province and Elodea nuttallii for the Jiang su Province of China.

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