
Basketball is one of the games that are studied within the courses of the colleges and departments of the Physical Education in Iraq. It includes many defense and attacking skills, the assessment of the students' skills performance, for most teachers, depends on the individual evaluation and the personal experience. Thus, the importance of the research lies in finding the standard degrees and levels to straighten the performance of the students in the attacking skills in Basketball. Goals of the Research • Finding the standard degrees and levels to straighten the performance of the students in the attacking skills in Basketball. • Straightening the students’ level of performance according to the levels they achieve. The sample of the research included first class students in the Physical Education College- Dyala University, 2005-2006. The total number of the students included is (208) out of (256), those who failed or postponed or are players in clubs were excluded, the sample represents about (81%) of the original community. After presenting, analyzing and discussing the results, the researcher concludes the following: • The tests of Basketball Basic Skills correspond to the level of the sample of the research. • Most of the sample of the research was in an intermediate level. The researcher recommends the following: • The necessity to adopt these tests within the semester and final tests of the first classes, and also for those applying for seats in the Physical Education Colleges. • Adopting the standard degrees and levels of this study to straighten the performance of the first class students in the basketball basic skills.

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