
Abstract : The U.S. Air Force (USAF) proposes to implement a revised Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) at New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS), New Hampshire. As directed five-year update to the existing INRMP. The INRMP identifies goals, objectives, and projects for natural resources management and focuses on seven topical areas: (1) threatened, endangered and rare species; (2) wetlands; (3) rare natural communities; (4) forest management; (5) invasive non-native plant species control; (6) outdoor recreation; and (7) unexploded ordnance (UXO) remediation. The proposed action would result primarily in small, localized, short-term adverse impacts, but overall long-term benefits, to the environment. Anticipated impacts include Localized minor short-term adverse air-quality (fugitive dust, engine exhaust, and smoke) and noise impacts resulting from prescribed burning, timber harvests, and recreation facility construction projects. No violations are expected of Federal and State ambient air quality standards for criteria pollutants. Localized minor short-term adverse impacts to soils (erosion, compaction) resulting from prescribed burning, timber harvests, and recreation facility construction projects. Localized minor short-term adverse impacts to surface water quality (increases in turbidity, sedimentation, peak flow) resulting from runoff of areas of prescribed burning timber harvests, and recreation facility construction projects. Minor improvements in water quality of restored areas resulting from wetland restoration activities and invasive species control. Minor short-term adverse impacts to ecological resources (vegetation destruction wildlife disturbance), but overall net long-term benefit, resulting from prescribed burning, timber harvest, recreation facility construction, wetland restoration, invasive species control, and projects involving capture, handling, and radiotelemetry of animals.

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