
With the recent growth of university education and the increasing amount of literature available on the web, there is concern among the academician and other interested about the research ethics and academic integrity. The Government of India, through the University Grant Commission (UGC), India has recently adopted policy document with a clear definition of the subject and policy measure to control the various issues that arise from it. This paper is an attempt to map the global publication and research trends in the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism issues. The paper uses different bibliometrics scientometrics and social network tools to map the literature growth pattern, subject areas and so on. The study is also trying to situate India’s position and its research trends in the global landscape in terms of literature growth, publication outlets, and keyword analysis. The study observed that the Indian scholarly literature in these areas are increasing in recent years. Although it is not at par with the global literature growth. The keyword analysis observed that Indian literature is more towards computer and ICT related literature rather than the global research in the medical subject (human is the second most occurring keywords). The study recommends more focusses and integrated research approach in other university and institutes in India.

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