
Tuberculosis or often called TB is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria which enter the body through breathing. TB is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Indonesia is currently ranked second in the country with the highest TB burden in the world after India, with an estimated 969,000 new cases and 144,000 deaths. Of these cases, only 74% or 717,941 were discovered and treated. Thus, there are 251,059 people with TB who have not been treated and are at risk of becoming a source of infection for people around them. Indonesia has signed a joint agreement with world leaders to strive to achieve the elimination of TB by 2030 which is also included in the Sustainable Development Goals in the health sector. As a form of the Indonesian Government's commitment, Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 67 of 2021 concerning Tuberculosis Management has been issued. This regulation regulates cross-program and cross-sector involvement in efforts to achieve TB elimination by 2030. To support the achievement of TB elimination by 2030 in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Decree 67/2021, commemoration of World TB Day (HTBS) every March 24 is a means for cross-sectors and the community to support TB control efforts. Lecturer Program in carrying out Community Service and supporting the liberation of Indonesia, especially the Makassar area from resistance to the use of Tuberculosis drugs, This activity was carried out with the theme, find tuberculosis, treat it until it is cured

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