
Contents: 1. State and Local Governments and their Budget Constraint 2. State and Local Fiscal Behavior and Federal Grant Policy 3. State and Local Budgets the day after it rained: Why is the Surplus so High? 4. Micro Estimates of Public Spending Demand Functions and Tests of the Tiebout and Median-Voter Hypothesis 5. Intergovernmental Grants: review of the Empirical Literature 6. The stimulative effects of Intergovernmental Grants: Or why money sticks where it hits 7. Moving into and out of Poor Urban Areas 8. The Spatial Dimension: Should worker assistance be given to poor people or poor places? 9. Subnational Fiscal Policy 10. Public employee market power and the level of government spending 11. Why voters support Tax limitation amendments: The Michigan Case 12. The deductability of State and Local Taxes 13. The Impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on State and Local Fiscal Behaviour 14. Infrastructure Investment: Review Essay 15. Migration and Income Redistribution Responsibilities 16. Cooperation and Competition in Public Welfare Policies 17. Report on School Finance and Educational Reform in Michigan 18. Reforming US Federal Fiscal Arrangements 19. Federalism and Federal Deficit Reduction 20. New York: Ripple or Tidal Wave? The New York City Fiscal Crisis: What happened and what is to be done? 21. A Fair Go: Fiscal Federalism Arrangements 22. Rethinking the Role of the Public Sector 23. Canadian Fiscal Federalism: An Outsider's View Index

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